DC Families for Safe Streets testifies to fund traffic safety laws in the FY25 proposed budget

The DC Council’s Committee on Transportation and the Environment held a Budget Oversight Hearing for the District Department of Transportation on April 30, 2024. Volunteer Co-Chair Christy Kwan testified on behalf of the DC chapter of Families for Safe streets and asked the Council to restore a key source of funding for traffic safety and to intentionally reflect if DDOT is poised to meet the District’s goals to eliminate traffic fatalities, achieve carbon neutrality, and increase the trips taken by transit, biking, and walking. The testimony also reiterates testimony from the prior week’s hearing for the Department of Motor Vehicles to prioritize funding the STEER Act’s intelligent speed assistance program.

The hearing also included 120 public witnesses, including testimony from the National Traffic Safety Board also supporting the STEER Act’s ISA Program. Many other public witnesses spoke up for safety, especially for students and the Safe Passage program, and honored their own experiences with traffic violence.

Share your story and show your support

The record for the DDOT Budget Oversight Hearing will remain open until Friday, May 3, 2024 at 5:30pm. Submit your written testimony through the Council’s hearing management system (click the “Submit Testimony” button on the top right corner). Please feel free to take inspiration from our own testimony and/or reach out to us if you’d like assistance with sharing your story.