June 2021 Support Meetings

Below are support meetings happening in June 2021, in addition to the peer support services listed here.

Share Your Story

Ongoing throughout June

Families for Safe Streets chapters in the Greater Washington, DC region invite you to share your story as a loved one, or survivor, of a serious crash. Our goal is to collect stories that tell the personal impact of traffic violence. These stories can offer comfort to other victims and loved ones.

Click here to learn more and contact us if you’re interested.

2021 Washington Region Vision Zero Summit

Thursday, June 24, 2021 via Zoom

The Washington Region Vision Zero Summit brings together elected officials, decision-makers, advocates, thought leaders, and the private sector to share best practices, insights and innovations to eliminate deaths and serious injuries on our region’s streets and highways.

The 2021 Summit will focus on Transportation Equity In Practice: How does centering equity change day-to-day, week-to-week, year-to-year work in the transportation sector? What are the systems, tools, and processes that need to change to make our transportation network more equitable? And how do we change them?

Learn more and click here to register.

GWU Hospital: Virtual Trauma Survivors Group

**No meeting in June**

Save the date for Thursday, July 15, 2021 from 6:30pm to 8:00pm eastern

This virtual meeting hosted by the George Washington University Hospital is open to all trauma survivors, family members and loved ones. It is a space where people can connect with other people who have experienced similar circumstances. July will have a special art therapy session lead by the GW Art Therapy Clinic.

Contact us at DCFamiliesForSafeStreets [at] gmail.com for more information.